Multiple carriage returns within quotation marks causing new lines in csv

There is a closed thread called "carriage returns within quotation marks causing new lines in csv" that I am unable to post to, so I am starting a new thread.

The awk solution worked perfectly in most cases. We have some cases where there are multiple carriage returns within a single quoted field. Is there a way to modify this awk script to have it look for multiple occurrences of CR within a single quoted field?

The example given was:


My example would be:



Thanks for any help.

The solution posted by Don Cragan in that thread seem to work fine for your example:

awk '
/^["]/{if(out != "") print out;out = $0;next}
{out = out $0}
END {if(out != "") print out}' infile

Thanks for your reply. It turns out that if the CR is just before the final end quote, it does not work. Any other ideas?


Looks like it only works for cases like this:

"apple berry company

But not for cases like:

"apple berry company

If the closing quote is the beginning of a new line then it does not work. If the line begins with something else and then a closing quote then it works.

Try this:-

awk '/"$/{ORS=RS}!/"$/{ORS=FS}1' file

remove <CR>s first:

awk '{gsub(/\r/,""); /"$/{ORS=RS} !/"$/{ORS=FS}1' file
Syntax error

awk: cmd. line:1: {gsub(/\r/,""); /"$/{ORS=RS} !/"$/{ORS=FS}1
awk: cmd. line:1:                     ^ syntax error
awk: cmd. line:1: {gsub(/\r/,""); /"$/{ORS=RS} !/"$/{ORS=FS}1
awk: cmd. line:1:                                   ^ syntax error
awk: cmd. line:2: (END OF FILE)
awk: cmd. line:2: syntax error

Quote from Don Cragun:

There is a ; instead of a closing }

awk '{gsub(/\r/,"")} /"$/{ORS=RS} !/"$/{ORS=FS}1' file 

Here is a sed solution:

sed '
' file

In this case the condition for the following lines is identical, so one can simplify

sed '
}' file

s/\n/ / would replace the line endings by a space character.

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Also try:

awk '!(NR%2){gsub(/\n/,x)}1' RS=\" ORS=\" file

I presume you meant newline, rather than carriage return

On Solaris use /usr/xpg4/bin/awk rather than awk

A slight change to solution #2 to cater for your example:

awk '
/^["]./{if(out != "") print out;out = $0;next}
{out = out $0}
END {if(out != "") print out}' infile