Multiple arguments to read

I am developing a script where 3 other scripts are included.

This is a graph related script.


-There are 3 different graph scripts. I would like to create a master graph with all 3 in one.

-User chooses the type of graph

-User is asked to enter the required auguments ( File name, Offset, latency and sampling are common to all 3). But 2 graphs should have a choice of mode for latency calculation.

1 How do i read the required arguments.

2 once i read them, how would i pass it to the corresponding graph script?

Please help

printf "Input something: "
./myscript $SOMETHING

There are multiple arguments as mentioned before:

For Eg:
Enter FileName Offset Latency sampling 

how do i read 4 or more inputs in the same format above?

echo "Enter FileName Offset Latency sampling"
read filename offset latency sampling

it would be more appropriate if you try using the


instead of taking input in very simple format and then print the help menu once the user inputs a wrong data...

is there an example of getopts please.

I tried what Pikk45 said, and it dint work.

Please help.

man getopt ?

man bash (or any shell that supports getopts) and find the getopts function