Multipath configuration not being detected


In a RHEL 5 box, I have just added new multipath configurations in /etc/multipath.conf :

blacklist_exceptions {
        wwid "360002ac0000000000000008e0001ee00"
        wwid "360002ac0000000000000008f0001ee00"
        wwid "360002ac000000000000000900001ee00"
        wwid "360002ac000000000000000910001ee00"
        wwid "360002ac000000000000000920001ee00"
        wwid "360002ac000000000000000930001ee00"

These were the steps I used prior to adding the entries above :

1) Scan for available hosts in system :

[root@csixdb1 ~]# ls /sys/class/fc_host
host3  host4
[root@csixdb1 ~]#

2) Run the following commands to scan the LUN

$ echo "- - -" > /sys/class/scsi_host/host3/scan

$ echo "- - -" > /sys/class/scsi_host/host4/scan

However, even after the service is started, I am not getting any output from the commands multipath, multipath -v2 nor multipath -ll.

root@csixdb1 ~]# /etc/init.d/multipathd status
multipathd (pid  29995) is running...
[root@csixdb1 ~]#
[root@csixdb1 ~]# multipath
[root@csixdb1 ~]#
[root@csixdb1 ~]# multipath -v2
[root@csixdb1 ~]#
[root@csixdb1 ~]# multipath -ll
[root@csixdb1 ~]#

Why is this? And how do I proceed from here?