Mozilla not working

I had a server which had minimal installation and at some point i had requirement to install an application which requires mozilla .. so i installed all firefox and mozilla packages and few of the library packages .. but mozilla is still not working

I installed following mozilla packages. When i launch mozilla it does not do anything and no error is returned .. can anyone tell me what could be the issue in it ?

pkginfo | grep -i moz
FIREFOX     SUNWfirefox                      Mozilla Firefox Web browser
MOZ17       SUNWmozapoc-adapter              Mozilla for Solaris(TM) - Apoc Adapter
MOZ17       SUNWmozchat                      Mozilla for Solaris(TM) - Chatzilla
MOZ17       SUNWmozdom-inspector             Mozilla for Solaris(TM) - DOM Inspector
MOZ17       SUNWmozgm                        Mozilla for Solaris(TM) - GNOME Integration
MOZ17       SUNWmozilla                      Mozilla Web browser
MOZ17       SUNWmozilla-devel                Mozilla for Solaris(TM) - Mozilla Web browser - developer files
MOZ17       SUNWmozjs-debugger               Mozilla for Solaris(TM) - JavaScript Debugger
MOZ17       SUNWmozmail                      Mozilla for Solaris(TM) - Mail
MOZ17       SUNWmoznspr                      Mozilla for Solaris(TM) - Netscape Portable Runtime
MOZ17       SUNWmoznspr-devel                Mozilla for Solaris(TM) - Netscape Portable Runtime - developer files
MOZ17       SUNWmoznss                       Mozilla for Solaris(TM) - Network Security Services
MOZ17       SUNWmoznss-devel                 Mozilla for Solaris(TM) - Network Security Services - developer files
MOZ17       SUNWmozpsm                       Mozilla for Solaris(TM) - Personal Security Manager
MOZ17       SUNWmozspell                     Mozilla for Solaris(TM) - Spelling Checker

I think you should be launching Firefox - not mozilla. Furthermore most of the packages you installed have nothing to do with Firefox.

Install firefox. All you need to do is untar the file in the directory and your done. well you may also need to make a link.