Moving to Solaris 10 on a SunBlade 1500

I am using a SunBlade 1500 that currently runs Solaris 8 and I would like to install Solaris 10. This workstation has 1Gbyte of memory, 1 GigEthernet card and one 80Gbyte ATA drive. Soon a 2nd 80Gbyte drive will be installed.

Are there any 'interesting' points I need to watch for in the transition to Solaris 10? Has anyne had something broken during the move? Should I install the 2nd drive while I am still undert Solaris 8 or first move to Solaris 10 and then install it?

Any hints are going to be appreciated!


do you want a initial installation or an upgrade?? to be honest, i would not upgrade solaris8 to 10 on the fly, to much changes made to 10, not only the kernel....
if there is a possibility for you to get the 2nd harddisk, install it there and copy your data...

The current hard disk has a 16GB partition with / and the rest is another parttition with mostly my stuff. Would the 'install / no-upgrade' wipe out both partitions or only the one with /?

I will install 2nd drive, copy my stuff there and then I'll install Sol. 10.

Thanks for the reply!

While the Solaris Installation procedure the is a point "preserve existing data" where you can specify filesystems which shouldnt be touched.
A initial installation will "format"/slice the Disk completely new, by writing a new VTOC and creating the filesystem and Inode tables.

How do I go about installing 2nd ATA drive to sunblade? If I just insert it, would it be recognized at the next boot?


you have to reconfigure your system.
at boot time: boot -r
running solaris: devfsadm

I was upgrading to Solaris 10 using the installation dvd but Java kept abotrting with NullPointer.

What is the workaround?


Please post a more-in-depth error message and where the error occurs


I am not being flippant in saying this, but if you install in text mode you should avaid those problems.

After upgrading to solaris 10 (from sol 8) on a SUN Blade 1500, it seems that the dvd/cd-rom does not accept dvds nor cds in the dvd drive.

After I insert a dvd/cd in the drive, the disk is simply ejected (!)

Is it possible that the upgrade made the system not being able to recognize these media?
