Moving hard drive and SCSI adapter to another computer

OK group, it's been 12 years since I worked with SCO. I need some direction here:

SCO Openserver 5.07

I have a server with a bad motherboard. I have moved the SCSI adapter and hard drive to another computer. This new server has different hardware so I must install the chipset drivers for the new motherboard (IDE, network adapter).

The system boots and I can log in, but I cannot yet put it on the network because the new NIC is not installed. I can't install the NIC driver because it does not see the new CDROM. I have not yet tried the floppy drive.

Thanks for any help.


Was the old cdrom SCSI?
The drivers for IDE are included, there is no need to install them..
Run "mkdev cdrom" and remove the original, and then add the new.

You are going to re-link the kernel several times in this process, you should re-boot after each re-link to make sure there are no problems.