moving forward with a unix related career

I am a unix 2 year admin, i know Sun 8 & 9 and a decent amount of the diffs in 10. Also know Linux, have SCSA and RHCT certs. I work with the Base OS's and and am proficient.

What should I learn next? scripting? SAN, cluster, Oracle, middleware? more flavors of unix / linux?

Any opinions on what is going to be big over the next couple years?

go learn scripting and then everything else you can ... don't ever stop learning ... build on what you have and don't worry about what's going to be big in a couple of years because winds might blow sideways in a southerly direction then and all bets are off ...

if you have to choose right now what you should learn --- go for scripting ... it will make your current work go quicker, more efficiently and more consistently when properly used ... which means you'll be more productive and get done sooner with your tasks ... which means you'll get to have more time to learn everything else under the sun ...