Moving files to their respective subdirectories


I have files like this



they need to be moved to their specific directories which look like



the patterns that need to be matched in these two files are

grep -o -i  '[0-9]\{3\}[-_][0-9]\{2\}[Ab]' img.txt

awk -F"zoca_" '{print substr($2,1,7)}' petdir.txt

Thanks in advance

The following Perl script prints the appropriate "mv" commands given the two files as input -

$ cat -n img.txt
     1 ./Rearrange_zoca/fitted_data/WX226_05b_Ncere.jpg
     2 ./Rearrange_zoca/fitted_data/w322_03B_60_70.jpg
     3 ./Rearrange_zoca/fitted_data/wrx226_12A_50_60.jpg
     4 ./Rearrange_zoca/fitted_data/wx124_01A_50_60.jpg
     5 ./Rearrange_zoca/fitted_data/wx124_02A_50_60.jpg
     6 ./Rearrange_zoca/fitted_data/wx124_04B_50_60.jpg
     7 ./Rearrange_zoca/fitted_data/wx124_05B_50_60.jpg
     8 ./Rearrange_zoca/fitted_data/wx124_06A_50_60.jpg
     9 ./Rearrange_zoca/fitted_data/wx124_07A_50_60.jpg
    10 ./Rearrange_zoca/fitted_data/wx124_08B_50_60.jpg
    11 ./Rearrange_zoca/fitted_data/wx124_11B_50_60.jpg
    12 ./Rearrange_zoca/fitted_data/wx124_15B_50_60.jpg
    13 ./Rearrange_zoca/fitted_data/wx124_20B_50_60.jpg
    14 ./Rearrange_zoca/fitted_data/wx124_21B_50_60.jpg
    15 ./Rearrange_zoca/fitted_data/wx226_04B_50_60.jpg
    16 ./Rearrange_zoca/fitted_data/wx226_04B_Ncere.jpg
    17 ./Rearrange_zoca/fitted_data/wx226_05B_50_60.jpg
    18 ./Rearrange_zoca/fitted_data/wx226_09A_50_60.jpg
    19 ./Rearrange_zoca/fitted_data/wx226_09A_Ncere.jpg
    20 ./Rearrange_zoca/fitted_data/wx322-04A_50_60.jpg
    21 ./Rearrange_zoca/fitted_data/wx322_01A_50_60.jpg
    22 ./Rearrange_zoca/fitted_data/wx322_01A_Ncere.jpg
    23 ./Rearrange_zoca/fitted_data/wx322_02A_50_60.jpg
    24 ./Rearrange_zoca/fitted_data/wx322_02A_Ncere.jpg
    25 ./Rearrange_zoca/fitted_data/wx322_04A_Ncere.jpg
    26 ./Rearrange_zoca/fitted_data/wx322_05B_50_60.jpg
$ cat -n petdir.txt
     1 ./1/zoca_226-04B_JPR/zoca_226-04B_JPR_PET
     2 ./1/zoca_226-05B_DMP/zoca_226-05B_DMP_PET
     3 ./1/zoca_226-09A_J-L/zoca_226-09A_J-L_PET
     4 ./1/zoca_226-12A_ATH/zoca_226-12A_ATH_PET
     5 ./1/zoca_322-01A_WSL/zoca_322-01A_WSL_PET
     6 ./1/zoca_322-02A_ECB/zoca_322-02A_ECB_PET
     7 ./1/zoca_322-03B_KSJ/zoca_322-03B_KJ_PET
     8 ./1/zoca_322-04A_J-K/zoca_322-04A_JK_PET
     9 ./1/zoca_322-05B-L-S/zoca_322-05B-L-S_PET
    10 ./2/zoca_124-01A_KMT/zoca_124-01A_KMT_PET
    11 ./2/zoca_124-02A_KJM/zoca_124-02A_KJM_PET
    12 ./2/zoca_124-04B_DRC/zoca_124-04B_DRC_PET
    13 ./2/zoca_124-05B_LAB/zoca_124-05B_LAB_PET
    14 ./2/zoca_124-06A_PLD/zoca_124-06A_PLD_PET
    15 ./2/zoca_124-07A_CCR/zoca_124-07A_CCR_PET
    16 ./2/zoca_124-08B_DYW/zoca_124-08B_DYW_PET
    17 ./2/zoca_124-11B_JKR/zoca_124-11B_JKR_PET
    18 ./2/zoca_124-15B_LAM/zoca_124-15B_LAM_PET
    19 ./2/zoca_124-20B_C-T/zoca_124-20B_C-T_PET
    20 ./2/zoca_124-21B_KWB/zoca_124-21B_KWB_PET
$ perl -lne 'chomp;
           if ($ARGV eq "img.txt") {if (/.*(\d{3}[_-]\d\d[ab]).*/i) {$y=uc($1); $y=~s/-/_/; $x{$_}=$y}}
           elsif (/.*zoca_(.{7}).*/i) {$y=uc($1); $y=~s/-/_/; foreach $k (keys %x) {if ($x{$k} eq $y) {$x{$k} = $_}}}
           END {foreach $k (keys %x) {printf("mv %s %s\n",$k,$x{$k})}}' img.txt petdir.txt
mv ./Rearrange_zoca/fitted_data/wx322_02A_Ncere.jpg ./1/zoca_322-02A_ECB/zoca_322-02A_ECB_PET
mv ./Rearrange_zoca/fitted_data/wx226_05B_50_60.jpg ./1/zoca_226-05B_DMP/zoca_226-05B_DMP_PET
mv ./Rearrange_zoca/fitted_data/wx124_11B_50_60.jpg ./2/zoca_124-11B_JKR/zoca_124-11B_JKR_PET
mv ./Rearrange_zoca/fitted_data/wx124_02A_50_60.jpg ./2/zoca_124-02A_KJM/zoca_124-02A_KJM_PET
mv ./Rearrange_zoca/fitted_data/wx322-04A_50_60.jpg ./1/zoca_322-04A_J-K/zoca_322-04A_JK_PET
mv ./Rearrange_zoca/fitted_data/wx226_04B_50_60.jpg ./1/zoca_226-04B_JPR/zoca_226-04B_JPR_PET
mv ./Rearrange_zoca/fitted_data/wx124_21B_50_60.jpg ./2/zoca_124-21B_KWB/zoca_124-21B_KWB_PET
mv ./Rearrange_zoca/fitted_data/wx322_01A_Ncere.jpg ./1/zoca_322-01A_WSL/zoca_322-01A_WSL_PET
mv ./Rearrange_zoca/fitted_data/wx124_07A_50_60.jpg ./2/zoca_124-07A_CCR/zoca_124-07A_CCR_PET
mv ./Rearrange_zoca/fitted_data/wx322_05B_50_60.jpg ./1/zoca_322-05B-L-S/zoca_322-05B-L-S_PET
mv ./Rearrange_zoca/fitted_data/wx124_01A_50_60.jpg ./2/zoca_124-01A_KMT/zoca_124-01A_KMT_PET
mv ./Rearrange_zoca/fitted_data/wx124_08B_50_60.jpg ./2/zoca_124-08B_DYW/zoca_124-08B_DYW_PET
mv ./Rearrange_zoca/fitted_data/wx226_09A_50_60.jpg ./1/zoca_226-09A_J-L/zoca_226-09A_J-L_PET
mv ./Rearrange_zoca/fitted_data/wx322_04A_Ncere.jpg ./1/zoca_322-04A_J-K/zoca_322-04A_JK_PET
mv ./Rearrange_zoca/fitted_data/WX226_05b_Ncere.jpg ./1/zoca_226-05B_DMP/zoca_226-05B_DMP_PET
mv ./Rearrange_zoca/fitted_data/wx226_09A_Ncere.jpg ./1/zoca_226-09A_J-L/zoca_226-09A_J-L_PET
mv ./Rearrange_zoca/fitted_data/wx124_04B_50_60.jpg ./2/zoca_124-04B_DRC/zoca_124-04B_DRC_PET
mv ./Rearrange_zoca/fitted_data/wx322_01A_50_60.jpg ./1/zoca_322-01A_WSL/zoca_322-01A_WSL_PET
mv ./Rearrange_zoca/fitted_data/wrx226_12A_50_60.jpg ./1/zoca_226-12A_ATH/zoca_226-12A_ATH_PET
mv ./Rearrange_zoca/fitted_data/wx124_15B_50_60.jpg ./2/zoca_124-15B_LAM/zoca_124-15B_LAM_PET
mv ./Rearrange_zoca/fitted_data/wx226_04B_Ncere.jpg ./1/zoca_226-04B_JPR/zoca_226-04B_JPR_PET
mv ./Rearrange_zoca/fitted_data/w322_03B_60_70.jpg ./1/zoca_322-03B_KSJ/zoca_322-03B_KJ_PET
mv ./Rearrange_zoca/fitted_data/wx322_02A_50_60.jpg ./1/zoca_322-02A_ECB/zoca_322-02A_ECB_PET
mv ./Rearrange_zoca/fitted_data/wx124_20B_50_60.jpg ./2/zoca_124-20B_C-T/zoca_124-20B_C-T_PET
mv ./Rearrange_zoca/fitted_data/wx124_06A_50_60.jpg ./2/zoca_124-06A_PLD/zoca_124-06A_PLD_PET
mv ./Rearrange_zoca/fitted_data/wx124_05B_50_60.jpg ./2/zoca_124-05B_LAB/zoca_124-05B_LAB_PET

Hence, all we have to do is feed the "mv" string as an argument to Perl's system() function. The following Perl script should do the trick.

perl -lne 'chomp;
           if ($ARGV eq "img.txt") {if (/.*(\d{3}[_-]\d\d[ab]).*/i) {$y=uc($1); $y=~s/-/_/; $x{$_}=$y}}
           elsif (/.*zoca_(.{7}).*/i) {$y=uc($1); $y=~s/-/_/; foreach $k (keys %x) {if ($x{$k} eq $y) {$x{$k} = $_}}}
           END {foreach $k (keys %x) {$c=sprintf("mv %s %s\n",$k,$x{$k}); system($c)}}' img.txt petdir.txt

I haven't tested it explicitly since I do not have the appropriate directory structure and files in my system.


Thank you Tyler,

could you please explain your code a little bit. its doing the right thing but i am kind of confused

This is how I did but it involved a lot of steps and few manual edits as well.

list the directory tree

ls -R >ilist.txt

find the specific directory

cat ilist.txt |grep "_PET:$" |sed 's/:$//' > petdir.txt

create the new directory where the files are supposed to be moved

awk '{print "mkdir "$0"/Fitted_Data/"}' petdir.txt |sh

awk '{print $0"/Fitted_Data/"}' petdir.txt >petfit.txt
extract the key words

awk -F"zoca_" '{print substr($2,1,7)}' petdir.txt
grep -o -i  '[0-9]\{3\}[-_][0-9]\{2\}[Ab]' imgfiles.txt

sort files accordingly in excel and then move

awk '{print "mv "$3" "$1}' match_sort.txt |sh 

i could have used sort -k 1,1 here

Well, it would've been much easier for me if you had asked specific questions about the code. It's very difficult for me to gauge your level of understanding of different concepts like -
(a) the options passed to the perl interpreter, e.g. "l", "n", "e"
(b) the chomp operator of Perl
(c) the concept of hashes in Perl, and in general
(d) level of understanding of regular expressions
(e) BEGIN and END blocks in a Perl one-liner
(f) the "uc" function of Perl

So, I will try to explain my code at a very high level. If you want to delve into specifics, you may want to look up all the concepts (a) through (f) in a good book on Perl, or at the website, or by talking to your local Perl guru.

In one sentence - I built a hash that had filenames from "img.txt" as the keys and their destination directories from "petdir.txt" as their corresponding values.

Here's the code spread out and documented -

     1  ##
     2  perl -lne 'chomp;                               # remove the newline at the end of the current line being processed
     3             if ($ARGV eq "img.txt") {            # if the current line is of file "img.txt" then
     4               if (/.*(\d{3}[_-]\d\d[ab]).*/i) {  # extract the "NNN[_-]NN[ab]" pattern and store it in $1
     5                 $y=uc($1);                       # change the case of $1 to upper-case and assign it to $y
     6                 $y=~s/-/_/;                      # replace the hyphen "-" by underscore "_" in $y
     7                 $x{$_}=$y                        # add (key,value) = (current_line, $y) in the hash %x
     8               }                                  # end of pattern match
     9             }                                    # end of processing "img.txt"
    10             elsif (/.*zoca_(.{7}).*/i) {         # at this point, we are *ALWAYS* processing "petdir.txt"; 
    11                                                  # so extract 7 characters after "zoca_" and store it in $1
    12               $y=uc($1);                         # change the case of $1 to upper-case and assign it to $y
    13               $y=~s/-/_/;                        # replace the hyphen "-" by underscore "_" in $y
    14               foreach $k (keys %x) {             # now we have to check if the current value of $y exists as a *key value*
    15                                                  # for any key in the hash %x; if it does, then set the *key value* to
    16                                                  # current line
    17                 if ($x{$k} eq $y) {              # if $y is the same as a *key value* for any key in %x, then
    18                   $x{$k} = $_                    # set that *key value* to current line (of "petdir.txt", that is)
    19                 }                                # done comparing *key value* to $y
    20               }                                  # done looping through the hash %x
    21             }                                    # done processing "petdir.txt"
    22             END {                                # we have the complete hash now. each key is a filename from "img.txt"
    23                                                  # and its corresponding value is the destination from "petdir.txt"
    24                                                  # and this correspondence was set due to the matching regexes
    25               foreach $k (keys %x) {             # now just loop through the hash and display "mv <key> <value>"
    26                 printf("mv %s %s\n",$k,$x{$k})
    27               }
    28             }' img.txt petdir.txt

Hope that clears up any questions that you might have.
