Moving files listed in a data file to a new directory using Perl

I have a data file that lists a number of files. I want to move the files named in that one to another directory. Here's what I have:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
open(FILE, "<collision.txt");
my @lines=<FILE>;
foreach my $lines (@lines) {
    system("mv $lines collisions/.");

When I use this is tells me "mv: missing destination file operand after (the file name)" Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

use chomp

foreach my $lines (@lines) {
chomp $lines;
system("mv $lines collisions/.");

The whole code can be simplified to

open FILE , '<' , "collision.txt" || die "$!";
while (<FILE>){
        system("mv $_ collisions/");
close FILE;

Thanks! It worked perfectly!