Moving directory structure and scripts from HP to Solaris


I am presently working in a migration project from HP Unix to Sun Solaris.

I need to place all the directory structures, shell scripts and users into

Sun Solaris. By doing this task manually there is a possibility for

discrepencies. So any tools are there to do these kind of tasks. Does

mirroring concept will be helpful for this activity?

Thanks in advance.

I am neither a HP-Ux nor a Solaris expert, but: isn't this exactly what tar was invented for? Is there any reason not to use "tar" (or "cpio", "pax", etc.)?

I hope this helps.


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Or even pax , i've started using it since it's everywhere :slight_smile:

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Hi Bakunin,Peasant

Thanks for the response. Apologize for not mentioning the query correctly.

It's not moving. Actually I need to create the same directory structures in the new

solaris server and place all the existing application scripts into the new server.


Yes - this is exactly what "tar" (or the mentioned alternatives) is for. Create a tar-file of your directory, transfer this tar-file to your new server, unpack it there. The following sketch is with "tar", its alternatives work quite similar.

root@oldserver # cd /directory/to/replicate
root@oldserver # tar -cvf /tmp/copy.tar .
root@oldserver # scp /tmp/copy.tar root@newserver:/tmp/copy.tar
root@oldserver # ssh root@newserver
root@newserver # mkdir -p /new/dir
root@newserver # cd /new/dir
root@newserver # tar -xvf /tmp/copy.tar

I hope this helps.


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