Moving data between NTFS and XFS partitions can be destructive Arch Linux

Hi I am Rupesh from India and I have a system with Intel i3 10th gen 10100 processor and Asus h510 me motherboard. I am using Arch Linux since one year and used other Linux distributions since 15 years. Previously I have copied data to and from windows NTFS partition without any errors but now I can't.

I have nvme SSD and a 4 TB sata Seagate barracuda compute Hard disk and generally I move files to and from nvme SSD and sata hdd.

I have created two xfs partitions and other ext4, fat32. I have installed Arch Linux using one xfs partition for root / file system and another xfs partition for home ie., /home. I used ext4 for boot /boot and fat32 for efi ie., /boot/efi.

In the secondary Seagate barracuda compute Hard disk I have not installed any operating system but I have created NTFS partitions in this disk and mainly use it for storage backup purposes.

Yesterday I have downloaded some videos from YouTube of size 20 gb using YouTube download manager. After that I have booted into Arch Linux and in gnome I have opened Nautilus file manager and first copied files from my home directory which is present in nvme SSD xfs partition to the directory present in hdd NTFS partition.

I have checked whether I have copied all files from my Linux system to NTFS partition and found that everything went fine and so I have deleted the files present in my home directory.

After that I have booted into windows 11 and ran file system check on this NTFS partition using chkdsk /x command.

Finally I have launched windows explorer and tried to open the copied folder but I got error as " file or directory in accessible".

I thought something went wrong and so I ran deep file system check using the command chkdsk /f /r /x and it has taken an hour and tried to open again the same folder but unfortunately I got the same error "file or directory inaccessible".

Finally I have booted into Arch Linux and in gnome I have tried to open the copied folder but unfortunately I got error as can't open.

I have searched web for the words " file or directory inaccessible" and many suggested to run data recovery like recuva and so I done the same. But unfortunately the data recovery software failed to locate copied files.

Previously once I have copied some video files from NTFS partition to my home directory and after that I have opened terminal emulator and issued the ls command but the output is not as expected.

For example suppose there are files with names abc.mp4 def.mp4, ghi.mp4 and ran the ls command but output is something like


Here I am getting many non ASCII characters along with original file names.

The ls command is showing non ASCII characters for the files which are copied from NTFS partition but the same command is showing or working properly for the files which are copied from other xfs Linux partition.

I thought that terminal emulator is not working normally and so I have redirected the output to a text file and opened in text editor like gedit but I am getting same to same as in terminal emulator window.

I have noticed such unusual behaviour of ls command a number of times.

There is no physical damage to my Seagate barracuda compute Hard disk I mean I am able to access all files present in this disk except the particular folder.

Now my requirement is there any way to open the damaged folder present in sata Seagate barracuda compute Hard disk NTFS partition. I mean are there any utilities to file system check NTFS partition.

I have copied video files from my Linux system to NTFS partition which are not important but can I trust always not to be done.

From four months I have moved files to and from NTFS partition and xfs partition a number of times but I have not found any errors

I think that the main reason for such failure is I have not done firmware update properly in my Linux system.

After that I have moved files from my Linux system to NTFS partition and lost. Another thing after firmware update is that my Linux system is running slowly than previous.

Kindly try to suggest what is the reason behind getting error "file or directory inaccessible" and at the same time why I am getting many non ASCII characters in file names copied from NTFS partition.


I don't understand your working environment, but obviously you experience a corruption of the NTFS partition.
NTFS is a Windows file system, so primarily use it on Windows! Linux has got some drivers for NTFS but it is closed source - the developers have to guess how it works.

Most important:
never mount it on both Windows and Linux at the same time! Fully shut down the one OS before you use it on the other. A hibernating OS has it still mounted. On Linux, you can also umount it, then it is released. (Impossible on Windows I think.)

Then, on Linux prefer reading from NTFS - writing needs perfect drivers, or corruptions can

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