Move files from Space Folder to other folder

I want to move a folder with spaces from one folder to another.

I have two folders like this,
1). RT_032-222 -4444-01/ 2). RT_032-555 -7777-01/

I want to move files from 2 to 1 through shell script.Here I want to assign this like a user defined variable like as Source branch code,Source batch code,Destination branch code and Destination batch code.


echo " Enter the source branch code : "
read bc          ## input  like as 555
echo " Enter the souce batch code: "
read bcd        ## input like as 7777
echo " Enter the Destination branch code:"
read dbc       ##  input like as 222
echo " Enter the Destination batch code : "
read dbcd     ## input like as 4444
 mv /imagedata/RT_032-$dbc -$dbcd-01  /imagedata/RT_032-$bc -$bcd-01 

###here the last line does not work properly,because here the space occupied there between $dbc and -$dbcd and same as $bc and -$bcd.
like that,
555 and -7777-01/ same as 222 and -4444

please solve this problem by using a user defined variable.

Quote your filenames.

mv "/imagedata/RT_032-$dbc -$dbcd-01" "/imagedata/RT_032-$bc -$bcd-01"

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