move DVD drive between domains in M5000


I 've a M5000 system with 2 domains configured on it. How can i move the DVD from one domain to the other ? so that i can access the drive in the second domain. cfgdevice -l does not work on M5000

I have the most experience with the M5000.

If there is only one IOU, the DVD and internal disks remain with domain 0.

Since domain 1 cannot use the DVD, you must install from network.


Ive just purchased two m5000, 2 xsystemboards ( 4 chips ), 2 x NICs and 1x dual port hba. Ive opted for addtional OS drives which requires the addtional IO tray.

The orignal plan was to keep everything as one domain, but configure zones. However, Im now thinking 2 domains, splitting the 2 x NICs, one per a domain. The only let down will be the HBA as its one card, with 2 ports.

Easy to set up ?


Yes it is. let me know if you need help

Incredible is correct in saying that you can not move the dvd to the other domain on the mid-range mx000 servers. however, if you had a high-end server like the m8000 or m9000, you would use cfgadm at the xscf.

change dvd amongst domains:

XSCF> cfgdevice -l
Current connection for DVD/DAT: port 1-0
Expander status
Port No. IOU/SAS-status SAS-status
 0-0     disable down  disable down
 1-0      enable down  disable down
 3-0     disable down  disable down
XSCF> cfgdevice -c detach -p 1-0
XSCF> cfgdevice -c attach -p 0-0

why sun does not allow this for m5000, i couldn't tell you. however, our workaround was to take an old d240 we had around the office and hook it up to iou1 via a scsi adapter.

I got to know that from SUN that in M5000 the DVD is hard coded to XSB00-0
so i had to work the other way around .. shutdown the domain 0 and assign XSB00-0 to domain1 and then do installation and put it back in domain 0 .. but that was possible because the server is not a prod box. :slight_smile:

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anything is possible when its not a production box :smiley: