mounting USB

Hi I was trying to mount my USB flashdrive on solaris 10 and I am getting the message saying that (I have already gone through the previous blogs in the forum)
mount: Block device required.

I have tried most of the possible ways.

#rmformat(gives me the necessary information about my flash drive)
#mkdir usbdrive
#mount -F pcfs /dev/rdsk/c3t0d0p0 /usbdrive
#mount /dev/rdsk/c3t0d0p0 /usbdrive
#mount /dev/rdsk/c3t0d0p0:c /usbdrive
I have tried some other options as well it says the same message
mount: Block device required.
c3t0d0p0 this logical node is read as character device.
So do I have to change it as block device.
please share your thoughts if any one is aware of this.

i'm not sure since it was long time ago touching my machine,
and the c3t0d0p0 - can you change the partition to 1 or whatever?? and the usb should be a scsi drive so change the t0 to whatever like t1 or ...??