mounting new directory

I installed slackware.
How can I mount new partition

I edit etc/fstab and add new mount point("back")

What should I do next?

When I perfom:
mount /back

it doesnt work.

Please post the output of these commands:

fdisk -l


cat /etc/fstab

Then maybe it will make things clear


nsfserver IP:/directory name /opt/directory name nfs nfsvers=3,tcp,rw,soft,intr,rsize=32768,wsize=32768 0 0

start the nfs deamon

In fstab
I add
/dev/hda11(the maximum is hda10 in the fstab)
and the other parameters accordingly.

When I perform
mount -a

wrong fs type, bad option, missing codepage or other error

Hi again,
Well that doesn't say very much, does it? Unless we see the line in fstab, we can't even guess what might be wrong. And a view of Your disk layout may also be very helpful.
So once again,
fdisk -l and cat /etc/fstab says what?


it is in another sever, it is really hard to copy the output.
In fstab:

lets say: I have a partition for 'var'.

/dev/hda6 ....... /var ... ......

/dev/hda11 .... /back... ....

I add hda11 for back directory which have all parameters as same as var or any other directories except root

Well, I'm sorry but I can't just guess... can You verify that the partition hda11 exist? Does it have a file system? Can You mount it manually using

mount /dev/hda11 /mnt/tmp

(create the dir /mnt/tmp first)

I didnt create partition for hda11
I just add it to fstab
and try to mount it.
Is it necessary to create partition

Yes, otherwise You will have nothing mount. What You can mount is a partition with a filesystem on it.

fdisk -l

Disk /dev/hda :8455 MB

Device boot Start End Id System
/dev/hda1 1 126 83 linux
/dev/hda2 127 1027 83 linux
/dev/hda10 778 794 82 linux swap
/dev/hda11 795 1027 83 linux (I added this partition later)

Disk /dev/hdb:40 GB

Device boot Start end id system
/dev/hdb1 2 2550 f W95 EXT'd(LBA)
/dev/hdb2 2551 4111 7 HPFS/NTFS
/dev/hdb5 2 2550 7 HPFS/NTFS

cat /etc/fstab

/dev/hda10 swap swap defaults 0 0
/dev/hda11 /back reiserfs defaults 1 2
/dev/hda1 / reiserfs defaults 1 1
/dev/hda5 /usr reiserfs defaults 1 2
/dev/hda6 / home reiserfs defaults 1 2
/dev/hdb2 /dev/hdb2 ntfs ro 1 0
/dev/hdb5 /dev/hdb5 ntfs ro 1 0

I still cannot mount /dev/hda11??


Your fstab says that the partition should have (is expected to have) a file system of type reiserfs, have You created that? If not, run the command

mkreiserfs /dev/hda11

But You must be sure that it is the correct partition, if You run that command on another partition You may erase everything on it. Just wanted to tell You to be careful :wink:

After that You may mount it with
mount /back
mount /dev/hda11
mount /dev/hda11 /back
or even
mount -t reiserfs /dev/hda11 /back
and even more variants

The entry in fstab actually makes sure that it will be mounted every time Your system boot (thats when a mount -a will be done, usually), but right now it also helps specify the details, that explains why for example mount /dev/hda11 and mount /back work equally well.

Good luck!


thanks Lakris.
It worked.
One last question:

As I posted above, the output of "fdisk -l" shows
/dev/hda and /dev/hdb.

What is the diffrence hda and hdb?I didnt create hdb.
Can I remove hdb?

Sorry for any inconvinience

hdb is your second hard disk, it appears to have a couple of NTFS file systems on it. If you have two hard disks but only use one, perhaps you can remove the extra one and donate it to somebody who wants to have more.

Hi, no inconvenience,

It looks as if You have secondary hard disk, a "slave" on Your primary IDE-interface. And it appears to have Windows partitions on it. If You don't want it You can of course delete them and make Linux partitions on them with fdisk. Or You can mount them as they are, just to see what's there.

mkdir /mnt/tmp
mount -t ntfs /dev/hdb5 /mnt/tmp

and so on...


thanks for info