mounting floppy on x86 - help

hello from newbie :slight_smile:

i have a question :
i've just installed sol-10 on x86 - and i cant access my floppy/cdrom.
the device naming totally different from those in bsd or linux - where it was much more difficult to understand :frowning:
the mntab/vfstab - i know where it was pointing at - but from the access perspective : what is /vol/dev/aliases/rdiskette0/unknown_format??
i've read many sol-10 manual, and still no clue. lack of consistency i think :frowning:
any help would be nice.


Yes, heres what you need to do..

Put the floppy in.

run #volcheck (mounts floppy and creates /floppy directory)

cd /floppy/disklabel. (it was called "unamed floppy" in the test i just did).

thanks for the reply BG_JrAdmin,

i did the volcheck -v, eject -n, mount -F pcfs, looked at the vold.conf (did the comment/uncomment), stop and restart the volmgt- and the result is which one of the link point to real floppy/cdrom?
checking floppy -> ls /floppy or /floppy/floppy0 -> there is no such a thing because "ls /" doesnt have that directory.
and the most confusing is when you see the result of eject -n : there are plenty links point to the same device ?? : (