Mounting AFS drive

I have an old amiga IDE drive that I wish to read. Its formated in FFS and I understand I can mount this under linux as an AFS filesystem.

The drive is already installed in the PC. Can anyone explain in newbie terms the steps t mounting and reading this drive?


I do not know about this file system, but normally to mount any file system in linux this is what you do

mount -t <filesystem> <device to mount> <mount point>

for example
if I had to mount the windows FAT file system then

mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /mnt/win

where vfat is the FAT file system
/dev/hda1 is the device that points to the file syste
/mnt/win is the directory under which the file system will be mounted

This is just a brief, for more details you can refer to the man pages of mount

dont forget to unmount the system :slight_smile:
use umount