mounting a directory to a windows 2000 shared folder

until recently I've been using the following command successfully:

mount -t smbfs -o username=my_user_name,password=password /home/temp/ //oldserver/openexchange

To connect to a Win2000 shared folder called openexchange on a machine called //oldserver.

But as from today, I've been getting the following error message:

INFO: Debug class all level = 1 (pid 27535 from pid 27535)
Could not resolve mount point //oldserver/openexchange

Anyone have any ideas what could have changed?

Many thanks for any help.


Try this instead:
mount -t smbfs -o username=my_user_name,password=password //oldserver/openexchange /home/temp/

Cheers RTM,

I must have my head on back to front :slight_smile: that worked