mount windows file sharing on hp-ux

Hi all,

Can anyone teach me how to mount windows file sharing on hp-ux


For that you would have to check if CIFS / samba is installed on your hp-ux box then look at the manpages of samba, there is a GUI utility called swat...

If you have CIFS Client:-
First, create a mount point. This only needs to be done the first time.

mkdir /Network/[MountName]

You can make the mount point anywhere, but, as far as I can tell, Finder only recognizes the volume if it's in the /Network directory. Now, to mount the Volume.

cifsmount //[ComputerName]/[VolumeName] /Network/[MountName]

To unmount the volume.

cifsumount /Network/[MountName]

If you want a permanent connection to the volume, you can use the following.

cifsstoremnt /Network/[MountName]

Now you will remain connected through a reboot. To stop the volume from auto-mounting.

cifsstoremnt /Network/[MountName] -d