Mount storage and homepage folder on another workstation (server?)

Hi there,

Hoping to find enlightenment on this partuicular topic.

I have successfully mounted a folder in the home folder of a Linux computer onto an old Silicon Graphics UNIX system homepage. I did this using the mount command e.g. mount linux/user/home/folder:/SGI/folder1 nfs.
(I also had to write/edit entries in the linux hosts directory and exports folder, and enter details into the UNIX /etc/hosts and /etc/hosts.)

If I needed to mount an additional folder in the storage drive of the linux, onto a new folder also in the SGI UNIX home directory, how would I go about this using nfs. Is the most important step to edit the SGI's /etc/fstab so it includes an extra line for the additional mount?

A further nfs export on the NFS server requires a further mount on the NFS client.
Permanent NFS exports are in /etc/export; at system boot a
exports -a
offers all entries.
Permanent NFS mountd are in /etc/fstab; at system boot a
mount -a
mounts all the entries; the entries of type nfs are the NFS mounts that must match the NFS exports.

The /etc/hosts entries just map IP adresses to host names, so you can use
instead of

If you make a further entry to /etc/fstab then do an immediate "mount all,verbose" with the command
mount -av
If there is an error message then immediately fix it! (An error during a system boot would go to maintenance mode.)
Info messages like "already mounted" are okay.

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