Mount Point Increase script

Hello all.

My aim is to monitor the size of my mount points. The algo that I want to follow is like this:

1) Use df -h to print all mount points.
2)Extract only Capacity and Mounted On columns and save them in Array1.
3)After 10 minutes , do the above same and save in Array 2 the 2 very same columns.
4)Compare the Capacity columns of Array2 to that of Array1.
5) If Array 2 value of any particular File system is greater than Aarray1, Only then Echo " File system of <Particular-file-system> has increased....

How do I make the array . I want a dynamic array Array1 [i]like this . Using df -h how do I sagrigate values and compare them ????



df -Pk | awk 'NR==FNR{s[$6]=$3;next}$3>s[$6]{print $6" has increased."}' - <(sleep 600;df -Pk)

Note that the command will appear to be hung for 10 minutes.