Mount option

Can i able to mount a directory with specific size in solaris 10.

for eg:

mount -o size=5g /test /test1


you can do something like that with zfs.... read "man zpool" and "man zfs"

The mount command has different options depending on what filesystem you want to mount. The size option is not available for a ufs but it is available for a tmpfs.

For more info:

man mount_tmpfs
man mount_ufs

Hi ,

Thanks a lot for your replies.

Just as an added FYI....

you can actually specify the size setting in /etc/vfstab like so.

swap - /tmp tmpfs - yes size=500m

It should mount with a size limit of 500 Mb.


Is it available for pcfs ?

Looking at the man page for mount_pcfs , it looks like it is not available.

I wonder why they don't add some support for more file system, something like NTFS which have support in all ohter *NIX, i wonder why they dont add support for something like this.