Mount issue


I was running short of space on /tmp which was mounted on /. Now I tried to move /tmp to another device unfortunately everything in that particular folder got copied in /tmp so I reverted back by mounting it to /. But now it has started pointing to all folders with /. How do I get out of this situation. I need to create /tmp without any folders in it.

Thanks in advance.



Can you explain?

1) Not giving your OS and version is something silly when it comes to OS issues... Often solutions are OS specific...
2) was /tmp a file system or a directory For once you say you moved and next you "mounted"...

If space happen to be a serious issue and you need to find a solution - fast, with a file system, you would create a new bigger filesystem where you have space, copy the content of older to it using e.g. cpio then unmount the old one and create a link to the new FS, as /tmp is used by system stuff also, you could only do these things in single user mode...

This sort of a move process should be done when booted in recovery-mode or similar. For AIX, you would boot from mksysb media, for RHEL it's boot thei install media and pick recovery mode etc.

Whatever you do, you need to have the OS in memory only but be able to access this disks. You will need to vary on the volume group and mount the filesystems, probably safest under /mnt.

Only then can you be sure that the filesystems in question are actually idle.

You need to confirm your OS and version before we can assist you much further.

Do you have a recent boot-able backup to recover with at the extreme?


/tmp on some OS systems is not a physical file system or device, it is completely virtual. Example Solaris, the /tmp directory and all contents are completely destroyed when the system is shutdown or rebooted. /tmp actually resides in the kernel. If you fill /tmp completely the kernel may sometimes panic. i.e., crash.

Apologies for not posting the operating system. its RHEL 6.4

/tmp was a folder which was on the same device as root and home directories. I tried to mount it on another device (/xxx/yyy/) instead of moving the folder. I have corrected this by moving the folder to its right device. but I am facing the issue with /usr/bin files. any command that has been specifically pointed to /usr/bin fails stating that there is no such file or directory. I have posted the details in this link

Many thanks for your replies!!