Mount ISO Image on FreeBSD problem!

I'm try to mount an iso on FreeBSD 8.2, but i recive an error; I use the following commands:

# mdconfig -a -t vnode -f /path/to/myimage.iso -u 1
# mount -t cd9660 /dev/md1 /media

and receive the next message:
mount_cd9660: /dev/md1: Invalid argument

I also use mdconfig -d -u * (*- is the device number) to make sure that there are no other iso mounted in the same device. So can anyone help me with an idea?
Thanks in advance!

'invalid argument' might mean it's not a valid ISO image. mdconfig wouldn't care about that, but mount would.

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The image is valid, I just use it on another PC, under Slackware. The problem can be from the fact that image is a double-layer dvd?

Seems unlikely.

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Just occurred to me to wonder, did any messages appear in dmesg?

No, it is no message in dmegs. I could say that I solve the problem, just copy the files form another PC, trough network, still this not solve the problem. thank you for answers.

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