Mount drive to Win2003 share folder

Dear all,

How can mount a drive from AIX 4.3 to Windows 2003 Server share folder ?

Thank a lot.

5.3, I had to install the "bos.cifs_fs" filesets:

$ lslpp -l | grep "bos.cifs_fs"
  bos.cifs_fs.rte    APPLIED    Runtime for SMBFS
  bos.cifs_fs.smit   APPLIED    SMIT Interface for SMBFS
  bos.cifs_fs.rte    APPLIED    Runtime for SMBFS
  bos.cifs_fs.smit   COMMITTED  SMIT Interface for SMBFS

...then I was able to run this command to mount some windows shares:

mkdir /windows
mount -v cifs -n win_hostname/win_user/win_password /win_share /windows

I don't have a 4.3 box here or I'd give it a try. Hopefully this will start you in the right direction.