Mount a character special file

Hi together

I have 2 systems, mars and venus. The configuration is the same. Every system has a SDLT. I will now backup the datas from mars on the tapedevice from venus.
I have shareed the tapedevice (venus) and mounted on mars.
Now my problem: when I write on the mountet tapedevice, the datas are write on the local tapedevice.

Have anybody a solution


Please post the OS and version(s) of both systems and the command you are using that gets the error.

I don't believe you should be mounting the tape on the remote server - just run your backup command to point to the remote server and it's tape drive.

System A with /dev/rmt/0
System B - Example of command to run to tar to remote tape drive
tar cf - |rsh systemA dd of=/dev/rmt/0

See the man pages for tar or what ever command you are using for more info on sending output to remote tape drive.