MOTD Display

Hi all,

Wish to check which setting is set to display the MOTD AFTER successful password verification. I am logging in via a 3rd party ssh tool tectia.


Login: [username]
[Password verified successfully]

[MOTD displayed here]

OS Prompt>


I thought that was default behavior of /etc/motd?

/etc/issue gets displayed before login and /etc/motd after?

/etc/ssh/sshd_config has a line to set whether /etc/motd is show or not:

PrintMotd no

but not *when*.


So far I managed to locate 2 locations where MOTD is configured:

1) /etc/profile
2) SSH Server's configuration file.

Is there any other file which is configured with MOTD? There's still one more set of MOTD displaying. Initially it's displaying 3......

PS: We're not using openssh. We're using 3rd party tectia server. Thus not in sshd_config.

Thanks and Regards

/etc/issue is displayed after you login via ssh.
In the sshd_config file, point BANNER=/etc/issue

Found the source for the 3 MOTD messages...

1st: Tectia's banner config
2nd: /etc/profile
3rd: Tectia's MOTD setting.

Thanks to all for the inputs :smiley: