More vs less Linux

Does more have any advantages over less? I know less has a ton of advantages over more. It can go up, you can use several vi commands, you can do page up and down, you can scroll with the mouse wheel. What other advantages does less have over more?

The advantage of the more command that I know of is, that it is available on more OSes - even MS-DOS supports it.

"more" contains less and "less" contains more ... Funny to know.

Less cryptically, "less" is an enhanced version of 'more', which came first. more is simpler and more predictable.

more works with very simple terminals - which IMHO are no longer in use.

more on AIX seems to be much more similar to less on Linux... Maybe the GNU more was hamstrung for some reason, so less was created to get that functionality back?

When performing a search, less does highlight all the pattern you look for which is a big advantage over more

less is more userfriendly
more is less userfriendly

It supports input pre-processing.
On some systems (Linux in this case) you can check the content of
to get an idea on how it opens compressed and other types of not plain text files directly:

# echo $LESSOPEN
|/usr/bin/ %s
# file /usr/bin/
/usr/bin/ Bourne shell script text executable