more info about xmservd or xmtopas

I've got simple understanding about xmtopas and xmservd.

Can somebody point me to a link, where these are explained in detail.

I checked it out and did not really find much info about it so I can only tell what I know from working with them.

xmquery is a service for the xmtopas demon you can, if installed, enable in your /etc/inetd.conf so that you can query cross-partition peformance information with

topas -C

Don't forget a

refresh -s inetd

if you do so.

If I remember correct, you had to enable a checkbox in all partizipating LPARs which sounded like "Share performance information" on the Hardware slider of an LPAR (processor & memory).
Issuing topas -C should show all participating LPARs.

Can't tell you anything about xmservd, sorry.

Is there anything special you'd like to know?