Monitoring Solution

Our organization has a lot of IT systems ( OLTP, MIS, Exadata, EMV, noncore ... ) - running diferrent platforms ( AIX, Linux, Sun, Win Server, ...), each system has its own monitoring tool designed by its manufacturer. We also write some shell scripts to do it manually. But we don't have a complete solution for all the systems, and we're looking for it.

Could you give me some softwares ,tools, solutions ... ( which can be tested first ) to solve our problem. Thank you

snmp is your friend. A lot of those "tools" are not much more than "pretty" snmp based tools. Cacti might be an ok option just because the community often has add-ons for many enterprise things (like switches, routers, SAN, storage, hypervisors).

If you study what others have done you'll find you can write or modify Cacti to fit specific needs.

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Could you give me a software, a name ... that I can find to test. Thanks


I'd be tempted with xymon as a free solution, although I'm not sure about how it does in the Windows world.



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