Monitoring processes of another host

Does anyone have a script, which monitors the processes of another host?

Well, a few members probably do, but you may have to make slight or even major changes in order to get it working at your site. I suggest that you write a script of your own customised to your setup. You can use rsh to connect to connect between servers though ssh is probably a better choice.
Something like:

rsh/ssh -l username hostname "ps -ef"|grep process_being_monitored


rsh/ssh -l username hostname "ps -ef" > /tmp/filename #on local node
grep process1 /tmp/filename
grep process2 /tmp/filename # and so on

Remember to setup password-less rsh or ssh access between any two users (not root!) on the two hosts.


I mean a script which checks if a process need to much CPU or something like that?

perhaps you mean somethink like 'top' ?

just i case you are thinking more that on system there are also special system monitoring programms available like cacti, ntop, nesses and several more.

I mean a shell script to implement in nagios, which runs on different operating systems like tru64, linux, ...

Tell me if i am correct !!
Two servers
server 1
Im setting up remsh to execute a command on server2 from server1, then is it enough if i add the server2 entry in my .rhosts files of server1 , or is there something more to this.
thanks for ur help