Monitoring `cron`

Am trying to write a script that will monitor `cron`, obviously this can only be done from another box (so I've figured) but I'm having a spot of bother...

We have two SCO 5.0.5 Unix boxes (.82 & .84).
I have the following script running on the .82 box presently.. being run from cron every 15 minutes with /usr/users/operator/check_cron ???.???.???.84.

if [ `rcmd $1 "ps -eaf | grep '/etc/cron' | grep -v grep"` ]
  echo OK
  mailx -s "WARNING(EV): 'Cron' not running on TVL Server $1" \ <<END
`hostname` cannot see /etc/cron running on $1
This will effect all unattended services on $1
Follow TVL escalation procedure to resolve!!!!!

But when I run the exact script from .84 checking .82 it comes back with Permission Failed. What can I do to resolve this?

First, make sure remote commands will work between the two systems.

.82# rsh uptime .84

If you don't get the uptime, then check /etc/hosts.allow, /etc/hosts.deny, and /etc/hosts.equiv. Insure .82 is in the /etc/hosts file. (If there are more than one interface on either system, insure you are using the correct one on .84 {use snoop}).

Once uptime works, then your script should start working.