monitor aix bottleneck

Hi All,

I would like to create a script that will monitor the server if it's heavy on the processing. I have already some scripts for monitoring disk capacity, application monitoring, etc but not on the bottleneck of the server processing.

I don't know which one to measure/query.

Can you give me some hints?

It's my first time I got bottelneck on the server when I run mksysb and it's year-end with the user.

Thanks in advance,

One more thing, it's the first time also that /system FS have reached 87% and when it goes 90% then I think the system alerted critical state.

There are several places bottlenecks can occur, so I'd start to make a list of things the script should watch in you place:

1) memory - monitor output of "vmstat"

2) processor - monitor output of "vmstat"

3) disk I/O - monitor output of "iostat"

4) network traffic - monitor output "entstat" and compare the increasing numbers

5) swapping - monitor output of "lsps" and/or "vmstat"

I hope this helps.
