Modules Required For SCSI Tape?

I've got an HP9000 server and I'm trying to hook up a tape drive to it. When I go into "SAM-->Peripheral Devices-->Tape Drives", the tape isn't listed. I then choose to "ADD" a drive, and I get the following error.

I know I need to install the "stape" module, but for some reason even that doesn't help. I spent all day yesterday, installing modules, rebooting, installing modules, rebooting, etc. I finally decided to wipe the system and try again. Can anyone tell me exactly which of the above modules are needed for me to see my tape drive?

OS= 11.i v2 (11.23)


Which drivers are needed to use the tape drive depend on several factors. I'm not sure that any drivers are needed to simply see it though. But I don't pull out standard drivers from my kernels and see what still works. An excerpt from the output from "ioscan -fn":

Class       I  H/W Path     Driver      S/W State H/W Type  Description
bc          0               root        CLAIMED   BUS_NEXUS
bc          2  10           ccio        CLAIMED   BUS_NEXUS I/O Adapter
ba          0  10/12        bus_adapter CLAIMED   BUS_NEXUS Core I/O Adapter
ext_bus     6  10/12/5      c720        CLAIMED   INTERFACE Built-in SCSI
target     26  10/12/5.4    tgt         CLAIMED   DEVICE
tape        0  10/12/5.4.0  stape       CLAIMED   DEVICE    EXABYTE EXB-8505HPQANXB3
                           /dev/rmt/0m                  /dev/rmt/c6t4d0BESTnb        /dev/rmt/c6t4d0D8MM_8200n
                           /dev/rmt/0mb                 /dev/rmt/c6t4d0D8MM_8200     /dev/rmt/c6t4d0D8MM_8200nb
                           /dev/rmt/0mn                 /dev/rmt/c6t4d0D8MM_8200b    /dev/rmt/c6t4d0D8MM_8500
                           /dev/rmt/0mnb                /dev/rmt/c6t4d0D8MM_8200c    /dev/rmt/c6t4d0D8MM_8500b
                           /dev/rmt/c6t4d0BEST          /dev/rmt/c6t4d0D8MM_8200cb   /dev/rmt/c6t4d0D8MM_8500n
                           /dev/rmt/c6t4d0BESTb         /dev/rmt/c6t4d0D8MM_8200cn   /dev/rmt/c6t4d0D8MM_8500nb
                           /dev/rmt/c6t4d0BESTn         /dev/rmt/c6t4d0D8MM_8200cnb

So I think the list of needed drivers is: ccio, bus_adaptor, c720, tgt, and stape. Note that the tape drive is "CLAIMED". That is the indication that everything is cool driver-wise. Now, "stape" is all I see when I do an "lsdev". "ccio" and "c720" are in the system file. Don't know where "bus_adaptor" and "tgt" come from.

I have not yet build a custom kernel with 11.23..I know that HP changed a bunch of stuff. But I would not use SAM, especially when it thinks that "framebuf" and "ramdisc" might help. I'm not up on the new commands though.

Is this a supported tape drive? If not, it may not work at all. What does ioscan show? If the driver is not autoconfiguring itself, you can try using ioscan to forcibly bind the driver to the path.

Thanks for the feedback. I've loaded "stape" again, and verified that "tgt" is loaded. I don't see "ccio", "bus_adaptor", or "c720" listed in my list of available modules via SAM. Unfortunately, I'm still unable to execute the "Add" function within the tape drive area of SAM. :frowning: Looks like I'm gonna have to make a call to their support center and see if I can get someone out here. Once again, thanks for the help!