Mod_jk not available anymore in newer version of CentOS


I have installed CentOS 7.7.1908 (Core) in my test machine. I plan to use the available httpd24 for we service.

The problem I face now is that this platform does not have mod_jk :

When I perform a yum install or yum search I get :

I need this package installed. What do I do in this situation?


You paste httpd24-mod_jk into your browser nav bar and hit return and search the net and you will see countless discussions on installing httpd24-mod_jk .

Pretty easy, right?

Hi Neo,

Thx for your reply. Yes, I am aware of the fact that it is pretty easy - the articles from the internet will probably advise to get the tomcat-connector-1.XXX-src packages.
But my concern is since I am using the built in CentOS SCLO repository httpd24 package, will it cause any problems if I use an external package for mod_jk?
Even for mod_ssl, I have managed to search and install httpd24-mod_ssl.
