modifying the writing of a log...

Hi ,

i would submit the following way of writing into a log :

i'm using Lotus Notes under AIX and a lotus system script is writing the all notes log this way :

11/04/2005 15:34:36 Router: Message 00496E70 transferred to
XHUB003A/SRV/EDFGDF/FR for via Notes
11/04/2005 15:34:36 Pushing mail/mail-06/ddddd.nsf to TCP-A
MSG302B/SRV/EDFGDF/FR mail\mail-06\dddd.nsf
11/04/2005 1

and so on

i dont why the writing is done on 2 and sometimes 3 lines , we have a carriage return about 50 characters.

I would have each line beginning with the date (french format).
1 Is it a Unix environment problem or terminal reason ?
2 If not is there a simple way to do this ?

thanks in advance


is it only this lotus system script that is logging this way? how about the other lotus system scripts? and how about the normal shell (i.e., sh, csh, ksh, etc.) scripts? do any of them log this way? i'm suspecting it is specific to the lotus system script in question but only you can confirm whether it is or not ...

Well , i think this is the only lotus script that writes this way.

Concerning the shell , it is ksh and i have many of scripts which write in logs without any problems.

the command is :
${LOTUSDIR}/bin/server < ${COMMANDES} > ${CONSOLE} 2>&1 &

where "server" is running Lotus Notes server , COMMANDES : we can enter commands in console mode and the all output is written in CONSOLE , the one with the strange format !
