Modify shell variables with AWK

Dear Folks,

I have a command output something like:

And I want to store PIN0 and SIG0 in two shell variables, now I do a double awk:

PIN=`gsmctl -d /dev/ttyS0 pin sig | awk '/PIN0/ { print $2}'` 
SIG=`gsmctl -d /dev/ttyS0 pin sig | awk '/SIG0/ { print $2}'`

It's possible to modify two shell variables only calling one time to AWK? Perhaps defining two shell variables and modifying in a AWK block.. thanks!!


/PIN0/  { printf "PIN=%s\n", $2  }
/SIG0/  { printf "SIG=%s\n", $2  }
$ eval `gsmctl -d /dev/ttyS0 pin sig | awk -f awkfile`
$ echo $PIN $SIG

fpmurphy, thanks for your reply :wink:

I want to use only one script/file.. using awk -f I need at least two files, is there any solution to make this only with one script? perhaps using another way instead of awk? Thanks!!


gsmctl -d /dev/ttyS0 pin s | xargs | read X PIN Y SIG
echo $PIN
echo $SIG

Not nitpicking - the above does not work with sh/bash - only in ksh. This should work with all three:

set `gsmctl -d /dev/ttyS0 pin s |awk '{print $2}'`
echo $1 $2