Mobile media got new name after dpkg --configure -a

I need some explanation, afer executing this command in the terminal

dpkg --configure -a

because synaptic told me it does not work properly and told me to do so, otherwise it would not even start.
My mobile media like usb-drive or stick is named like below, 641ea5c8-47d2-4473-ae01-6499d2f7ccba!

find /media/usb0

is my normal hdd. Anyone knows what may took place, 'cos surely I won't remember that knew name for my mobile data-store.
I used to do the task with this command, but the new name is too nasty.

find /media/641ea5c8-47d2-4473-ae01-6499d2f7ccba/bbcpodcast1415  -type d -exec chmod 777 {} +

thanks in advance