Mksysb for vio servers

Dears i have a total of 6 VIO servers i was trying to take a mksysb to the VIOs through NIM server but i can not process with it

What have you done so far? It is difficult to explain where you went wrong without knowing what you did.


how to configure the NIM server to take mksysb for the VIO server

You could use Google, will give tons of hits if you enter "vio" and "mksysb". Good luck.

As far as I can tell mksysb is not a valid VIOS comand.


No, but issue "oem_setup_env" and you have a normal AIX with all the normal AIX commands.

Even if one wants to use formal IBM procedures there is the "backupios" command. I entered "mksysb vios" in google and got as the first hit:

NIM installation and backup of the VIO server

I hope this helps.


The simple way to configure a VIOS to be a NIM client is to use the padmin command: remote_management .

Have your nim system configured for internet, and stable, as the two arguments you provide are the interface and the master name.

$ man remote_management
remote_management command


       Enables the Virtual I/O Server to be remotely managed by an AIX  NIM
       (Network Installation Management) master.


       To enable the Virtual I/O Server to be remotely managed by an AIX NIM

       remote_management [ -interface Interface ] Master

       To disable remote management:

       remote_management -disable


       The remote_management command will setup the Virtual I/O Server to
       allow remote management from a NIM master. The Master parameter
       specifies the NIM master hostname. The Interface parameter specifies
       the network interface to be used to connect to the NIM master. If
       Interface is not specified, the default network interface used will be

       The remote_management command utilizes the NIM service handler for
       client communication (nimsh), so the NIM master must be nimsh capable.

       Once remote management has been enabled on the Virtual I/O Server,
       typical NIM functions, such as update, backup, and reinstall, can be
       initiated from the NIM master.

            Disables the Virtual I/O Server NIM client daemon.
            Specifies which network interface to use. If no network interface
            is specified, interface en0 will be used.

Exit Status

       See Exit status for Virtual I/O Server commands

Or, you can switch to root using oem_setup_env
and fill in the dialog to
# smitty nim
Just remember to use the secure communication aka nimsh


Once the VIOS is a nim client you can perform a mksysb backup just like any other nim client.
Note: you do not update it as a normal AIX client.