MKS KORN SHELL WONT EXECUTE from windows command prompt

Can anybody help me with this small script , the script works fine and launches the IE from
c:\documents and settings \test\my documents>ksh prompt

this scitpt works and launches the ie from ksh , but when i schedule it to run the script then i get the error box saying command:1 not found, is this a problem with the IF statement when i am comparing and launching the app or my syntax is wrong..please advise........

my script is as follows


echo $test1 
if(( $test1 == 1))

start "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"


What Operating System(s) are you running? Please be specific and detail any additional packages or other hooks which you may have installed. There is no way that a standard M$ Windows at any version will execute a ksh script.

Please make it 100% clear which Operating System is running at the time you issue any commands and post all the error messages intact.

When you say you "schedule it" what precisely is the process which you are using to schedule the ksh script?

The ksh script looks syntactically incorrect. Does it actually work?

Imho. The whole concept is flawed. There is no sensible way to run M$ Internet Explorer in background (which is how a scheduler would work).

Nuf said. I'm sure that someone else will read the post differently.

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@Methyl , the syntax was wrong , it took me a while to correct the syntax ,
if [ "$test1" = "x1" ]
then start ie

the OS is windows NT and the shell is MKS KORN SHELL, that came with windows NT