
can any of you give me detailed part of mkitabs and inittab. I'm new to this part.

My understanding is: when we run mkitabs it write in inittab? is this rite?
can we change the script of mkitabs to make it append instead of removing the items of inittab when starting the system. if i have to append the inittab which script should i modify.

Thanks in Advance.:slight_smile:

correct. "mkitab" is sort of an interface which modifies the file /etc/inittab for you according to the parameters you provide. In principle you could change the file directly using an editor, but this is not recommended practice. Use the itab-commands for that.

There are several commands dealing with /etc/inittab. mkitab ("make" - append), chitab (change), rmitab (remove), lsitab (list). Read their respective man pages to find more information.

If you are completely new to UNIX read about "run levels" too - this is a concept necessary to understand when dealing with the /etc/inittab file.

I hope this helps.
