Missing the bar on the bottom of my screen

I am not sure what I did or what is is called, but I no longer have that bar on the bottom of my screen.

I am using Ubuntu_Mate 20.04.

Can someone help me restore it ?


Maybe it has got auto-hide? Does it appear if you move the mouse to the very bottom?

Did you switch monitors? Then the lower part of the display might be displayed outside the actual screen.

You can try to restart "caja" on the command line:

caja --quit

This kills it, and a gnome session manager process should spawn a new caja.

A link might have other ideas:

I am using Ubuntu_Mate 20.04.

I created a new panel positioned on the bottom of my screen.

I then right clicked the panel and clicked on "reset all panels".

It lost all my customizations but now when I minimize an app, it shows up on the bottom panel.

Thanks for the ideas. I personally use Thunar as my file manager.

It has many more features than Caja.

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