Missing Separator Issue in Make file

Hi All,

I am using Make to compile my java code. I am pasting the portion which is creating an issue.

install: $(FPR_FILES)
if test $OS = "Linux";
        @echo "TEST"
        -$(INS) -d -m 775 $(INSDIR)/linux/deployment
        cp -R $(ROOT)/deployment $(INSDIR)/linux/deployment
        @echo "Executing setenv commands"
        sh -v $(WLPLATFORM_HOME)/common/bin/commEnv.sh
        sh -v $(WLPLATFORM_HOME)/server/bin/setWLSEnv.sh
        @set ANT_OPTS=-Xms512m -Xmx1024m
        @set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%:%JAVA_HOME%\jre\lib\rt.jar:%WLPLATFORM_HOME%\server\lib\webservices.jar
        @echo ">>> Executing ANT <<<"
        @echo "Executed ANT"

I always am getting: c3par-test.mk:16: *** missing separator. Stop.

I read a few posts suggesting me to remove white spaces and empty lines. I tried all of this, but issue remains the same. Could somebody please guide me on this? Thanks.

A makefile follows this format

target: dependencies

Are all your actions tab delimited?

Hi Vino,

Yes, I am using for tab all the actions..


I ran into the error of "missing separator." when runing make. The line is in the middle of a multiline list of file names. Hence it's not a TAB vs space issue.