mirroring in lan between 2 pc

hi ;i had setup a lan connection under sco open server release 5.0.5 between 2 pc with tcp/ip , but i want to mirror one of both for other but i can not do this please tell me about how to configure 2 pc for mirroring ? thank you::frowning:

Can you give more details of your network?
Is it two SCO 5.0.5 machines that you have?

Thanks for the PM, but it would be better if you respond in the thread so that others may also benefit.
So you have two SCO 5.0.5 machines that you want to have mirror each other.
If you are looking for a magic bullet, forget it.
SCO have solutions based on 5.0.7 and Unixware, that will provide this kind of product if you need minute by minute redundancy.
If you can live with once per hour or per day mirroring then use either NFS or FTP to copy the changed files from the primary system to the backup system.
An alternative is to add transaction logging to your application on the primary system, and have a background process on the secondary machine post those transactions to the data files on that machine.

Here's an example script that uses cpio to sync machines. It is a little network heavy, but works great for snapshots on smaller partitions. Note host equivalency must be set up for the account this runs from.

"makes" 285 lines, 7809 characters
# Quentin Krengel Tue Jan 30 16:43:01 CST 1996


#echo "
#This script can only be used on two SCO Unix machines running identical
#revisions of the same operating system. The script must be scrutinized
#and tailored to your architecture before exection."
#exit 0

# The primary machine names, as defined below must be listed in the
# secondary machine's /.rhosts file, and permissions of the file must
# be set to 644.
# The secondary machine names, as defined below must be listed in the
# primary machine's /.rhosts file, and permissions of the file must
# be set to 644.

[ $# -eq 0 ] && {
echo "`basename $0`:must specify archive, update, start, or stop"

if [ $ARG = archive ]

ROLE=`cat $SD/role`
[ $ROLE = NULL ] && {
echo "Sentinel file $SD/role not defined, bye!"
exit 1

[ `cat $SD/roles | wc -l` -gt 2 ] && {
echo "Sentinel file $SD/roles has too many entries. bye!"
exit 1

MACHINE=`grep $ROLE /etc/sentinel.d/roles |cut -f1`
OTHER_MACHINE=`grep -v $ROLE /etc/sentinel.d/roles |cut -f1`

synctime() {
# sync secondary system clock to primary system for cpio
echo \
" \n**\tSyncing standby machine $OTHER_MACHINE clock to $MACHINE..."
date +%y%m%d%H%M |rcmd $OTHER_MACHINE /etc/asktime

# cpio transfer file name
# cpio install script name

cpiover() {
# use cpio to preserve symbolic links
echo "\n----<<- $1 ->>----"
echo "-Creating cpio transfer file $CPIOF for $1"
find $1 -print | cpio -Vo >$CPIOF
echo "
-Copying transfer file $CPIOF to $OTHER_MACHINE"
echo "cat $CPIOF |cpio -id 2>/dev/null" >$CPIOI
echo "rm $CPIOF" >>$CPIOI
echo "rm $CPIOI" >>$CPIOI
chmod 700 $CPIOI
echo "-Transferring $CPIOF to $OTHER_MACHINE"
echo "
-Installing $CPIOI onto $OTHER_MACHINE"

rcpover() {
echo "**-Copying $1 to $OTHER_MACHINE"
rcp $1 ${OTHER_MACHINE}:$1

## main starts here

case $ARG in


[ `logname = root ` ] || {
echo "$0: Must be run by root. Goodbye."
exit 1

[ $ROLE = primary ] || {
echo "$0: /etc/sentinel.d/role = `cat /etc/sentinel.d/role` "
echo "`basename $0` update: must be run on the primary machine."
echo "See $SD/role"
exit 1

cpiover /usr/local

rcpover /.profile
rcpover /.forward
rcpover /.dvsc
rcpover /etc/default/accounts
rcpover /etc/default/vsinet
rcpover /etc/default/vsifax
rcpover /etc/default/vsifax.vars
rcpover /etc/default/lpd
rcpover /etc/default/mega
rcpover /etc/default/mega.defs
rcpover /etc/default/authsh
rcpover /etc/default/passwd
rcpover /etc/dialups
## not for sentinel! rcpover /etc/defalt/filesys

rcpover /etc/exports
#echo "**-Requesting reread of exports on $OTHER_MACHINE"
#rcmd $OTHER_MACHINE "/etc/exportfs -a"

rcpover /etc/printcap

#note customzed PS1 promts
#rcpover /etc/profile
# handled by ap rcpover /etc/group

echo "Creating account profiles map"
ap -vdg > /tmp/ap.map
rcpover /tmp/ap.map
echo "Installing account profiles to $OTHER_MACHINE"
rcmd $OTHER_MACHINE "/tcb/bin/ap -rov -f/tmp/ap.map"

rcpover /usr/lib/uucp/Systems
rcpover /usr/lib/uucp/Permissions
rcpover /usr/lib/uucp/Devices
rcpover /usr/lib/uucp/Dialers
rcpover /usr/lib/mkuser/sh/profile
rcpover /usr/lib/mkuser/homepaths
rcpover /usr/lib/mkuser/lib/mkuser.lib
rcpover /usr/lib/mkuser/lib/mail
cpiover /var/spool/lp
#rcpover /var/spool/lp/remote
#cpiover /var/spool/lp/admins/lp/interfaces
#cpiover /var/spool/lp/model
#rcpover /var/spool/lp/.rhosts

rcpover /etc/hosts
rcpover /etc/hosts.equiv
rcpover /.rhosts

echo "\n----<<- File Updates for DCI Unibasic ->>----"
# DCI tech support says we can copy these files over verbatim if we are
# using a hardware key
cpiover /etc/DCI/*
cpiover /usr/ub/*

# we don't want all entries in /usr/spool/cron/crontabs/root
# we'll extract the entries in the "@SENTINAL area and store them on the
#secondary machine.

echo "\n----<<- Update $OTHER_MACHINE with @SENTINAL crontabs ->>----"

crontab -l > $TMPF0

while read line
echo -n "."
if [ `echo "$line" |grep -s -e"#@SENTINAL" |wc -l` -gt 0 ]
#toggle sentinal switch. Save lines to temp file between markers.
if [ $SENTINAL = 0 ]
[ $SENTINAL = 1 ] && echo "$line" >> $TMPF1
done < $TMPF0
echo "."
cp $TMPF1 /usr/local/lib/crontab.standup
chmod 600 /usr/local/lib/crontab.standup
rcpover /usr/local/lib/crontab.standup

echo "\n----<<- File Updates for Equinox devs ->>----"
# From Buck at Equinox Tech Support
# When going into fallback mode, write the following files from
# the primary system to the secondary system.
cp /etc/inittab /etc/inittab.standup
echo \
"**-Storing /etc/inittab with equinox devs as /etc/inittab.standup"
rcpover /etc/inittab.standup
# if we're not in fallback mode, strip out equinox devices and tty04
"/bin/sed -e '/^E/d' -e '/^c04/d' /etc/inittab.standup \
> /etc/inittab"

rcpover /etc/conf/init.d/mpdi
rcpover /etc/ttytype
rcpover /etc/default/mega
rcpover /etc/auth/system/devassign

## Star requires the following file updates
echo "\n----<<- File Updates for Star Technologies ->>----"
rcpover /etc/d_passwd
rcpover /etc/gettydefs
cpiover /tcb/files/auth
rcpover /etc/auth/system/authorize
cpiover /tcb/files/rootcmds

rcpover /usr/bin/ucopy

echo \
"\n\nPlease note, the following must be maintained on both machines."
echo "


if [ $ROLE = standby ]
echo "executing $0 start..." > /dev/console
# most of this is handled in /etc/sentinel.d/S* but a few things are
# made easier here because we are running the same version and release
# of OS on both machiens. Handling inittab this way saves keeping two
# copies up to date.
cp /etc/inittab.start /etc/inittab

\#\#\# handled by shutdown
\# have to shut machine down and reboot to get Equinox boards reset
\#\# /etc/sentinel.d/S* issues the command "megaopt all" to force a
\# reset with Equinox
\#/etc/megaopt all
\#\# Issue the command init Q to force the kernel to reread inittab
\#init Q
\# share exported file systems now that they are mounted
\#/etc/exportfs -a
\# /etc/sentinel.d/S* stops and restarts offmgr, wpexc, wpexc51,
\# and fx servers when changing modes

\#crontab notes:
\# we previosly stored crontab entries that need to run on this
\# machine \(search for "crontab" above\).
crontab -l &gt; /usr/local/lib/crontab.standown
crontab -l &gt; /tmp/crontab.root
cat /usr/local/lib/crontab.standup &gt;&gt; /tmp/crontab.root
crontab /tmp/crontab.root

\# change default printer
lpadmin -d mishp

echo "Skipping $0 start: Primary machine" > /dev/console

if [ $ROLE = standby ]
echo "executing $0 stop..." > /dev/console
# most of this is handled in /etc/sentinel.d/K*
/bin/sed -e '/^E/d' -e '/^c04/d' /etc/inittab.standup \
> /etc/inittab
init Q

\#change default printer
lpadmin -d smp

crontab /usr/local/lib/crontab.standown

echo "Skipping $0 start: Primary machine" > /dev/console
