Minimize command line


I am looking for help to minimize this commande line. The commande is working fine but I tried to make it shorter ... It's about to get rid of some characters.

 | sed '/NODE*/d' | cut -d "'" -f 2  | sed '/;;/d' |  sed '/
[*]/d'  | sed 's/[ ]//g'

Thanks for your help

what is your input (format) / output expected?

Hello Tytalus,

here is the output format :

NODE='/OPERATIONNEL/SATURNE/PHYS_MOD/NOWCAST                                                          ';;
 FILE='/OPERATIONNEL/SATURNE/PHYS_MOD/NOWCAST/SATURNE_1DAV_20110119_20110120_GRIDKZLN10_R20110126.NC.GZ                                                                ';;

Here is what I am lokking for



how about:

#  nawk -F"'" '/FILE=/{gsub(" ","",$2);print $2}' infile 
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Your a real master. Thank you so much ...

awk -F"[' ]" '/FILE=/{print $3}' infile

One way through sed..

sed -n "/FILE/s/.*'//p" inputfile > outfile

there are some spaces in the end of line.

I did'nt get you. Please point out the bug part..