Migrating from RHEL LVM to VxVM


Is there a known method from converting LVM data to VxVM data..

ie we have a load of local and SAN (HPDM) mounts on RHEL 4u5/5u1 servers which are now required to be clustered with SFS (VxFS,VxVM,CFS,VCS etc)

I've come across the vxvmconvert, but thought that was HP-UX only?

Many thanks...

Apologies for xposting in the RH forum :slight_smile:

Well if you dont mind, in order to be coherent with the rules I close the other thread...

I usually dont use tools, but add more disks (thats what cool with SAN no?) then synchronize (mirror) or copy then once finished give the old disks back to the SAN team...

Lol, and in the real world :wink:

I think I've found the solution in vxfsconvert