Mid Year 2008 CEP Public Reference Client Survey

Tim Bass
08-10-2008 03:30 AM
Our Call for Public CEP Reference Clients for 2008and on-line research has revealed some expected less-than-encouraging CEP news for 2008.***Ina year of*downwardlyfalling capital markets,*a*continuedrecession in real-estate markets,unending war and global uncertainty, we findthere are myriad CEP partnership and OEM annoucements, quite a few mysterious �secret tribe of elders� awards and a lot of marketing releases to read, but only two public reference clients for*CEP-related software sales (according to the vendors):

  1. Orbitz by Streambase (Real-time monitoring)
  2. Netbank by Coral8* (Algo trading)

Progress Apama had a few algo trading references, but they (wisely in my opinion) are not (seeming) calling algo trading platforms sales, CEP, in 2008.** This is good (and more accurate)and I applaud Apama for building a great eventstream processing platform and not overhyping the phrase �complex event processing�every opportunity they get.** Maybe we should create another award category?****

You will not find any �secret council of elders� here, nor will you find any subjective opinions about the market from people we send out email asking for their opinions - only the facts in an open transparent way.* Here is the Google worksheet, if interested.

Please contact me or comment*here*if we missed anything and we will take a look and we will add your suggestion if it meets the criteria.**
