metastat |grep Needs


Required an script such that :

If metastat |grep Needs , results in some output then this command to be executed for the same :

opcmsg object=metastat a=OS msg_grp=OpC severity=critical msg_text="Need maintenance for the system $line"

With regards,

if the grep command gives some output, then opcmsg command will execute

metastat | grep Needs > /dev/null
if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]
opcmsg object=metastat a=OS msg_grp=OpC severity=critical msg_text="Need maintenance for the system $line"

Can you please explain :

if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]

$? - holding the previous command exit status

echo "abc" | grep abc
echo $?
echo "xyz" | grep abc
echo $?

if the value of $? is zero, then the previous command is success