merging two files based on first column

I had two files file1 and file2. I want a o/p file(file3) like below using first column as ref. Pls give suggestion ass join is not working as the number of lines in each file is nealry 5 C?


404000324810001 Y
404000324810004 N
404000324810008 Y
404000324810009 N
404000324810011 N
404000324810017 Y
404000324810020 N
404000324810023 Y
404000324810027 Y
404000324810028 Y


404000324810001 59
404000324810004 54
404000324810008 55
404000324810009 51
404000324810011 55
404000324810017 67
404000324810020 60
404000324810023 62
404000324810027 58
404000324810028 67


404000324810001 Y 59
404000324810004 N 54
404000324810008 Y 55
404000324810009 N 51
404000324810011 N 55
404000324810017 Y 67
404000324810020 N 60
404000324810023 Y 62
404000324810027 Y 58
404000324810028 Y 67
nawk 'FNR==NR {f2[$1]=$2;next}$1 in f2{print $0,f2[$1])}' file2 file1 > file3