Merging Multiple Columns between two files

Hello guys,
I have 2 CSV files which goes like this:

"Walter White","","Chemistry Teacher",""
"Jessie Pinkman","","Junkie",""
"Hank Schrader","","DEA Agent",""


"Walter White","Is Heisenberg"
"Jessie Pinkman","Is Captain Cook"
"Hank Schrader","Is Dead"

Basically I want to Merge the the two files but I want to get only the description for the other one. Output should look like this:

"Walter White","Is Heisenberg","Chemistry Teacher",""
"Jessie Pinkman","Is Captain Cook","Junkie",""
"Hank Schrader","Is Dead","DEA Agent",""

Is this possible by using awk? Or is there any other method.

Thanks for the help. Always stay awesome :slight_smile:


awk -F"," 'NR==FNR{a[$1]=$2;next}{$2=a[$1]}1' OFS="," Bad.csv Breaking.csv > BreakingBad.csv
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I have the same problem just like this, problem is there is a first column preceding look below:

"1","Walter White","","Chemistry Teacher",""
"2","Jessie Pinkman","","Junkie",""
"3","Hank Schrader","","DEA Agent",""

I want the same results but I am getting this:

$ awk -F"," 'NR==FNR{a[$1]=$2;next}{$3=a[$1]}1' OFS="," Bad.csv Breaking.csv
"1","Walter White",,"Chemistry Teacher",""
"2","Jessie Pinkman",,"Junkie",""
"3","Hank Schrader",,"DEA Agent",""

Can it be possible to not include headers too? :confused:

awk -F"," 'FNR==1{next}NR==FNR{a[$1]=$2;next}{$3=a[$1]}1' OFS="," Bad.csv Breaking.csv

Hi vgersh

I am getting hte same results:

$ awk -F"," 'FNR==1{next}NR==FNR{a[$1]=$2;next}{$3=a[$1]}1' OFS="," Bad.csv Breaking.csv
"1","Walter White",,"Chemistry Teacher",""
"2","Jessie Pinkman",,"Junkie",""
"3","Hank Schrader",,"DEA Agent",""

pls post both Bad and Breaking files and the desired result.

Same as the above, I just copied it, but nonetheless:

"1","Walter White","","Chemistry Teacher",""
"2","Jessie Pinkman","","Junkie",""
"3","Hank Schrader","","DEA Agent",""
"Walter White","Is Heisenberg"
"Jessie Pinkman","Is Captain Cook"
"Hank Schrader","Is Dead"

Desired results:

"1","Walter White","Is Heisenberg","Chemistry Teacher",""
"2","Jessie Pinkman","Is Captain Cook","Junkie",""
"3","Hank Schrader","Is Dead","DEA Agent",""

Thanks for your help

Well, if you're looking for the name, that's in field 2 now:

awk -F","       'FNR==NR        {a[$1]=$2;next}
                 FNR>1          {$3=a[$2]}
                ' OFS="," Bad.csv Breaking.csv 
"1","Walter White","Is Heisenberg","Chemistry Teacher",""
"2","Jessie Pinkman","Is Captain Cook","Junkie",""
"3","Hank Schrader","Is Dead","DEA Agent",""

And, don't do the replacement for line1 in breaking.csv...

BTW - don't hijack threads - open your own and refer back to the original one!